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Six Indoor Air Quality Tips for Your Home

Those fragrant candles bring the spice of fall, warmth of winter, and sunshine of spring right into your home. Perhaps your A/C unit needs a good cleaning or a complete replacement altogether. Sure you can change air filters and open the windows for a fresh breeze. But is it enough to improve the air quality in your home? It’s been documented that scientists are more concerned with the air quality in our homes than the pollution outside the home. Let’s take a look at some ways that you can improve your home’s air quality and overall health.

Humidity & Moisture Control

Ideally, humidity levels in a home should be between 30-50%. Anything above this number can pose a concern with mold/mildew and allergies. Even a simple act of doing your laundry can affect the moisture in the air. Keep your humidity levels to a comfortable setting by hang-drying clothes and fixing leaky pipes. Dehumidifiers are also a great way to control the amount of moisture on hot and humid days. Don’t hesitate to call an expert HVAC contractor in Port St Lucie. They’ll lead you in the right direction when choosing the best dehumidifier for your home.

No Smoking

Florida law prohibits indoor smoking in many places, especially where children visit frequently. For health concerns, the same should apply when it comes to your home. Tobacco smoke can not only ruin the look of your furniture, but you are subjecting yourself to long-term health issues later on.

Scented Toxicity

Believe it or not, these beautifully fragrant candles that bring a smile to your face are causing more harm than good. Research performed by South Carolina State University states that paraffin-based candles releases toxic chemicals into the air. Stick with vegetable based candles or, better yet, diffuse pure essential oils for the same, healthier effect.

Cleaning Solutions

Perhaps you feel that the organic cleaners are as effective as good old bleach. Nowadays, you can find a good brand that stands true to their product with similar cleaning properties as bleach but without harsh long-term damages of toxic cleaning solutions. From floors and bathtubs to laundry detergent, you can find a healthier means of cleaning. Or make your own! Did you know that vinegar and water offer similar cleaning properties as generic cleaners?

Frequently Clean Your Floors

Dust can harbor just about any toxic element in your home, from your cleaning products to allergens. Dust is one of the known causes for asthma. Clean your floors often, perhaps every other day. Vacuum your rugs and furniture and frequently sweep and lightly mop your kitchen and bathroom to prevent dust from settling.

Invest In An Air Filter

Air filters are an excellent way of bringing quality air into your home. Their filtration process reduces pollution in your home and is proven to be the most effective way of ridding allergens and harmful bacteria.

Are you ready to reduce the allergens and pollution in your home? Let us help you choose the right A/C unit and air filtration product. Our expert HVAC contractors in Port St. Lucie are ready to assist with all your concerns and offer you the best advice when it comes to the quality of air in your home.

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